‘It was obvious I was not a normal kind of guy’

Robert Orr portrait

Robert Orr went to prison for the first time when he was 17.

“It’s an ugly story, man. I’ve been in prison three times. I went for my first time when I was 17. Ted Poe sent me there because I was driving a friend of mine’s car, and he stole some stuff.

“It was the same year that Lee High School burned down. I was on my bunk at the Jester II Unit watching it burn on TV. Seeing my friends out there, some of them crying, it was kind of weird.

“I wasn’t a bad kid. I was in FFA in high school, and I had a grand champion lamb at the youth fair. Then, a little over a year later, I find myself in prison feeding calves for the state.

“For years, I wondered how I got myself into that situation. Until it happened a couple more times, and by then it was obvious that I was not really a normal kind of guy.”

— Robert Orr, 46


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