Parents pass down the spirit of helping others

Gaye with her mother, Florence

Gaye Bennett-Austin, with her mother, Florence Bennett.

“I love the casinos, the church and donating to different charities. I volunteer at the Star of Hope Mission and give away clothes to Suit Up for Success, which supports women who are looking for jobs. It’s always been in my heart to help people who are less fortunate than me.”

Where did you get that giving nature?
“From my mother and father. They help total strangers. If you’re on the corner and you need some money, they’re going to roll down their window and give you some. That just comes from within, and I guess it’s something they passed down to me.

“Once upon a time these people on the street and under the bridge were somebody, and they still are somebody. But we as a society tend to overlook them because of their condition. They are someone’s relatives. They are World War II vets that people turn their noses up to. We should remember that whether someone is up high or down low, we’re all God’s people.”

— Gaye Bennett-Austin

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