Donations bring A.M.O.R. to orphans in Mexico

Marina Castillo at Lee College event

Marina Castillo is president of A.M.OR: Amigos of Mexican Orphans.

“We support a private orphanage in Mexico called Amor para Compartir, which means Love to Share. They are pretty much living on donations. These kids range from 18 months old on up. They’re all waiting for their parents to come back from rehab and things like that.”

How did you get involved?
“One of my college teachers had some Christmas cards that the kids at the orphanage created. He said if I would sell the cards, he would give me extra credit. To be honest, at first, I really wanted that extra credit. But after I went down there and saw what they were up against, I was sold.

“My first trip there, it was really shocking to see. There were about 100 kids in the place they lived, with only one or two restrooms. The playground was all concrete. There was no grass at all. Now, because of donations, they have nice gym-style restrooms with a bunch of showers. They have real grass and a soccer field. They’re growing. It’s beautiful to see.”

— Marina Castillo

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