Focused student plans to become pharmacist

Julie Tran stands on Texas Avenue

Julie Tran is finishing her basics at Lee College before transferring to University of Houston.

“My uncle was the first in our family to go to college, and he became a pharmacist. Ever since I can remember, that’s what I’ve wanted to do.”

How is it going so far?
“Well, you have to be really good at math and chemistry. I’m really good at math, but when it comes to chemistry it doesn’t always click for me. There were times last year when I began to wonder if I should change my major because it’s so hard.”

What kept you from giving up?
“My uncle told me that while it’s hard, many things in life are going to be hard and you just have to stick with it. Especially if you want to have a good career and not end up with a job where all you do is just go to work every day. I think that’s good advice. I’m pretty focused now and doing well. I’m no longer second-guessing myself.”

— Julie Tran

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