Death of younger brother continues to haunt her

Madeline Nash with her children

Madeline Nash with her children: Ryan, Katlyn and baby Eric.

“My brother was 13 at the time, and he was riding this little motorized scooter. It was a crazy accident. It was a two-lane highway, and he had crossed the road already. The lady swerved into the other lane and hit him. He was with his friend, and I guess she saw him but didn’t see my brother.

“I was inside our house when his friend came over to tell me what happened. I didn’t know what to think about it at first. I thought they were pulling some kind of joke or something because it wasn’t a police officer at the door. Then I looked outside and saw the ambulance on the street. That’s when I freaked out and started pounding on my parents’ door.”

How have you dealt with losing him?
“It definitely was the saddest time in my life, but it was a long time ago now. I always try to stay positive and be happy, as much as I can. I don’t like to dwell on it. But I do miss him. I still think about him. You know, I wish he could be here today to see me and my little kids.”

— Madeline Nash

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