Young couple ‘have a stupid amount in common’

Colton Wright at dog park

Colton Wright’s fiancée is about 18 weeks pregnant.

“The thing that crosses my mind more than anything else is, don’t screw it up. I’m excited about getting married and having a baby, but I worry. I’m trying to figure out what needs to be a priority and what needs to happen. I’m working two jobs right now to bring in some extra income. Hopefully, we can get everything squared away so we’ll be able to have plenty of money to put a down payment on a house.”

What’s the secret to your relationship?
“For one thing, we have a stupid amount in common. And I used to think that I’m going to jinx things by saying this, but we’ve never had a single argument in the entire three-plus years we’ve been together. Based on experience, I would say that’s a good sign.”

— Colton Wright

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