No big surprise when relationship turns to marriage

Liz and Gary Erwin in their yard

Liz and Gary Erwin met through Baytown Photo Club activities.

“Apparently, everybody else knew we were supposed to be in a relationship before we did.

“His wife passed away from cancer several years ago, so when he needed help picking out a suit for a family wedding I went with him. The lady waiting on us was acting like we were a couple, but we weren’t at that time. We were just friends. She said, ‘Y’all might not know that you’re a couple, but y’all are.’

“It was so funny. When we got back in the car, both our faces were red. I guess it was just supposed to happen.

“People would always say, ‘I saw your husband,’ and I’d say, ‘Well, that’s not my husband. We do hang out a lot together, but he’s not my husband.’ We went through a few years of that until we finally got married April 1. We’re still newlyweds.”

— Liz Erwin

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