Finding good homes for her mother’s treasures

Woman at estate sale

“I collect some things, but not like my sister and my mother. I just inherited it all.”

“All of this is from my mother. She and my sister were running buddies, going to garage sales, estate sales and resale shops. I think she wanted to start her own business one day, but she developed breast cancer and passed in August. She was 72.

“Now I’m trying to find good homes for all of it. She liked to collect African artifacts and Native American things, because her father was half-Native American and half-Spanish. She didn’t really grow up with him, so she collected these things to kind of connect with him.

“She also had 150 dolls, maybe more, because her daddy bought her dolls when she was little and left them with her uncle. After her daddy died early, the dolls were another way for her to connect with him.

“My mother was someone who knew no color. She was a very beautiful person.”


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