NFL players: to stand or not stand?

Eric Hatch standing in a field“One of the freedoms (NFL players) have is the ability to stand or not stand (for the National Anthem). You can’t celebrate having freedoms and then admonish someone for using those same freedoms. Exercising one’s rights isn’t disrespecting those who fought for it. Why fight for it if you are never going to use it or allow someone else to use it?

“Don’t get me wrong. I am very grateful for those who came before me — friends, family and ancestors long gone — who fought for what we have today. But regardless of our personal ideas of what should and shouldn’t be protested, no one can legally make you stand or kneel. The right and the decision lies entirely with the individual. I will stand, but I won’t chastise someone who doesn’t.”

— Eric Hatch, 35

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