Asian heritage tattoos most meaningful

Devon Terrell holding a drink

Devon Terrell is proud of being part of two cultures.

“I started getting tattoos when I was 18. Luckily I had friends who knew how to do them, so I just let them experiment on me. I think the last time I got one was 2013. I have a lot of them. The only thing I’ve got left to do probably is my back.”

Which tattoos are most meaningful to you?
“My left leg has this Japanese theme. It really represents my Asian heritage. When my dad was in the Army, he met my mom while serving in Korea. I was born there, but I came to the states when I was about 1. My parents got divorced, and my dad got custody of me.

“The last time I saw or talked to my mom, I think I was 5. But I’m still interested in that part of my heritage. I read a lot about it, like history books, and I try to learn words every now and then. It’s still important to me. It’s part of who I am.

“My dad is African-American. My mom is Korean. That’s like two different cultures, and I’m part of both. I think that’s pretty cool.”

— Devon Terrell


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