Kindergarten teacher dropout enjoys retirement

“I taught kindergarten and first grade for 30 years. I miss the children. But I don’t miss the school system. After 30 years, the system had changed so much. It was no longer fun to go to work. It was all about what shows up on your paperwork.

“In Louisiana, there’s something called the DROP program. You can retire, but still work three more years. You get paid for that, plus your retirement. It was an incentive to keep experienced and qualified teachers in the school system. I did not go for that. I told my husband, ‘I think I’m just going to drop out.’ I was ready. When I retired, it was not hard for me at all. I had so many things that I still wanted to do in life.”

Any advice for others considering retirement?
“You have a lot to look forward to. Have a lot of hobbies and do those hobbies. Whatever it is you want to do, try it. If you decide you don’t like it, then try something else. I had a couple friends who retired and have gone back to work. They don’t like to be at home all alone. But there’s way too much out there to see and do. So go look for it.”

— Elizabeth Rick


She’s on the road again — and loving it

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