Jeannie Wood: rebounding from pit bull attack

Jeannie Wood stands near a bust of Dr. Red Duke, who started the Life Flight service that transported Jeannie after she was attacked by pit bulls.

Jeannie Wood


How long have you lived in Baytown?
Since 1987

Most interesting fact about you
I was attacked and nearly killed by two pit bulls last August.

I had gone to my son’s house, where his girlfriend had brought her two pit bulls. They were almost 10 years old, and she had raised them from puppies in a very loving home. When she left for work, she put the dogs in a very large wire kennel. My son left for work as well, leaving me and my 6-year-old granddaughter there. Long story short, I let the dogs out of the kennel, and they were on me in a flash. They tore my arms, legs and stomach to shreds. I had bite marks all over my body, and they bit a big hole in the back of my head. I broke my wrist when I fell. I suffered major tendon and nerve damage in my hands when I tried to hold them back. They tore my earlobe almost completely off and ripped all the skin off one of my fingers. My son decided to come back from work when he had tried to call me and I didn’t answer, and he was able to get them off me. My granddaughter was locked in the bathroom the whole time, so she was not hurt. Baytown Fire Department paramedics came and called Life Flight. I was flown to Memorial Hermann Hospital, where I was sent immediately to surgery. The doctors contemplated amputating my right arm, which was held together by only 3 inches of skin. They decided to wait. I spent a week in ICU and another eight weeks in the Burn Unit at Memorial Hermann. I underwent 13 surgeries, multiple skin grafts, daily wound and dressing changes, physical therapy and occupational therapy. There were many days when the pain was so bad that I prayed to God to just let me die. But I made it through. I’ve had two additional surgeries since I’ve come home from the hospital, and I have a few more to go. With continued therapy, I’ve regained much of the use of my arms and hands, and I am back to work.

I know all dogs can bite. I know there are sweet pit bulls out there. But pit bulls were bred to fight. It’s in their DNA. I’m not trying to get pit bulls banned or anything like that. I just want pit bull owners to realize that it probably won’t happen, but it could happen with their dog. They can snap at any time. You can get on the Internet and read about “sweet, loving” pit bulls just snapping and attacking someone. It happens all the time. I just want people to be careful with their dogs.

Happiest or saddest moment
My happiest moment was when I saw the outpouring of love and support from friends, family, even people I didn’t know. Their cards, emails, phone calls, visits and prayers got me through the most horrible time of my life.

Persevere. Whatever you’re going through, you can get through it. And there’s nothing wrong with asking for or accepting help.

Currently reading or watching
March Madness is here. And so is baseball season. Go Astros!

Favorite thing to do in Baytown
I love going to Baytown Nature Center. I buy a pass every year. I love to photograph birds, and I’ve seen some beautiful ones out there. There are trails to hike, or sometimes I just like to sit by the water. I just love it there.

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