Career change in the works after life on the road

“For about eight years, I had this job that took me all over the country. At first it was fun, getting to travel and see different places. But when you’re away from home and family Monday through Friday, working indoors sometimes 10 to 12 hours a day, and living out of a hotel room week after week, you start to get burned out.

“The road doesn’t really have anything for you. You’ve been to every restaurant. You’ve been eating all these bad foods and you’re gaining more weight. Then when you get back home, you’re distant from your family. It’s Friday night, and before you know it, it’s Sunday already and you’re getting ready to leave again. 

“I was feeling really stressed at work because they put me in some leadership roles, which I didn’t really want. I don’t like to tell people what to do. I prefer to be just a worker, a team player. But it became all about income and grossing and worrying about revenue. It got to the point where one time when I was flying out, my nose started bleeding. I’d never had a nosebleed in my life, and it was gushing for like an hour. I guess it was just the stress of everything.

“That’s when I thought, I’ve got to get out of here. I’ve got to make a change. I mean, I was making decent money. But to me, it’s not all about the money. It’s not all about chasing that dollar. It’s about happiness. I want to be doing something that makes me happy.”

— Ashley Parris

Ashley, 39, is in between jobs right now, but hopes to pursue life as a photographer for fun and profit.


Extrovert/introvert feeling disconnected these days

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