Future pharmacist credits taking a chance
“When I started working at a grocery story about a month after I turned 16, they had me working every weekend. I hated it. So I started venturing out, looking for a new job. “I texted...
“When I started working at a grocery story about a month after I turned 16, they had me working every weekend. I hated it. So I started venturing out, looking for a new job. “I texted...
“I wouldn’t say writing comes easy for me. I’m not a natural writer. But I do think I know what quality writing looks like. So I can apply that to my own writing and to help...
“We moved here from Mexico about three years ago. For my whole family it was like starting over because we didn’t have a house, my father didn’t have a great job and we didn’t speak English....
“I come from a graffiti background, but I don’t do much of that anymore. I started my own graphics company. I design logos, album and mix tape covers, custom decals, stickers and other stuff. I enjoy...
“Last month I was homeless. Just a rock and a hard spot, man. I was in a homeless shelter with all my equipment and stuff. It was horrible, and I’m blessed to not be there. I’m...
“I like to encourage kids to think about starting up a business with their parents; something that they’re passionate about and can watch grow. “Kids are very smart and imaginative. The world hasn’t sucked it out...
Sometimes, life can seem pretty darn difficult. What’s one of the saddest moments in your life? “Losing my tía, my aunt. She was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2012. She fought it and beat it. It...
“Years ago I was working for Southwestern Bell when I hurt my back. I fell backward, tore the heck out of my shoulder and messed up the L4 and L5 in my spine. “The first two...
“I’m not a sit-down type of person. I always have to be doing something. My dad was a go-getter. He was a dreamer and a doer. He would say something and then do it. I guess...
“My passion is the kids. That’s why we opened the Promise Center, which came out of Gen. Colin Powell’s national campaign started in 1997 to get involved and make a difference in the lives of children....