Habitat for Humanity is ‘wonderful work’
“I had done a lot in the community with some other nonprofits. But Habitat for Humanity, I don’t know, I just love it. It’s wonderful work, providing homes for low-income families.” How big is the need?...
“I had done a lot in the community with some other nonprofits. But Habitat for Humanity, I don’t know, I just love it. It’s wonderful work, providing homes for low-income families.” How big is the need?...
“I like to tell people that I met him because IT wouldn’t help me. I had to build a webpage for our intranet, and I couldn’t get any help from our IT department. So someone told...
“About a year and a half into this I thought, you know, I met the girl who has everything I want. Of course I still had to do some vetting in my head, but she seemed...
“I’ve had my badge in Baytown for almost 26 years, but I left for five years to work as an operator at Bayer. One day at the plant, there was a sight glass blowout. Sight glass...
“I’ve been on mounted patrol since it started, almost 22 years ago. I remember because it was the same year my son was born. “Growing up, my grandfather rode and I used to go on trail...
“There was this class offered for one week. I wasn’t doing well with school so I was like, hey, one week of class, three credits, I’ll take that. It was a Baptist history class. The teacher...
“I was living at an RV park. Me and my friend were staying there. He lit a cigarette and threw it at the propane tank. It had a hose leak, and it blew up. The whole...
“I have a psychiatric disorder. It started getting pretty bad after my grandpa passed on. I began going in and out of psych units. I’ve had some issues, but as long as I continue to take...
“I was riding in an ATV, a Ranger six-seater, and it rolled. My foot got caught underneath the tail bed. I just remember waking up and seeing people trying to lift the Ranger off of us....
“When I was in the hospital, they found out that I liked music and that I could play the piano. So they had this little keyboard they would bring up to my room and let me...