Rescue dog sure loves her catnaps
“Some say that the ear is the avenue to the heart.”— Honey, a Chihuahua-Dachshund mix “She used to be my son’s dog, but I have her now because he’s living in a place that won’t let...
“Some say that the ear is the avenue to the heart.”— Honey, a Chihuahua-Dachshund mix “She used to be my son’s dog, but I have her now because he’s living in a place that won’t let...
“The ride to the park always makes me thirsty.”— Jackson, a Jack Russell Terrier “He thinks he’s a baby. I don’t think he knows he’s really a dog. He doesn’t go outside, except to come to...
“October is my favorite month.”— Cujo “I knew he was going to stay small, so he needed a tough-sounding name. “There was a woman two apartments down from me. She had three children and took care...
“Puppies today are so immature. I was never like that.”— Merry “She’s a white Scottish Terrier. They’re pretty rare. You don’t see many white ones. “A friend gave her to me as a Christmas present when...
“I’m going to be a little devil on Halloween.”— Granite, adopted from a Dallas shelter “We named him that because his color looked like the countertop. “He wears clothes most of the time. He has a...
Spa day with Layla, a Boxer-Bullmastiff mix. “I got her in Fort Hood, Texas, at one of the local shelters right outside the base. “I had just returned from my second tour in Iraq and was...
“I really don’t have time for random humans in my life.”— Jackal, a blue healer mix “We got her last Thanksgiving. She’s going to be a great hunting dog. She tries to capture any animal she...
“I was the runt of the litter.”— Jake, a Harlequin Great Dane “The mom had 13 puppies, but only three lived. He weighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces when we got him at eight weeks. He was...
“My full name is Buster Douglas. I’m a fighter, not a biter.”— Buster, a rescue dog found in Huntsville a couple years ago “He’s a bad dog. He eats everything in sight. He jumps on the...
Watching for the elusive underwater squirrel-duck.— Prissy, a rat terrier “I got her as a Christmas present. She was only about a year old, so I bought a book on well-trained puppies. It worked. Nearly everything...