Young realist enjoys living a carefree life
“I read a lot. I like history, philosophy, sports, all kinds of topics. But I don’t read much fiction, stuff that’s not real. I’m more interested in real live things. I consider myself a realist. I...
“I read a lot. I like history, philosophy, sports, all kinds of topics. But I don’t read much fiction, stuff that’s not real. I’m more interested in real live things. I consider myself a realist. I...
“It’s all about surrounding yourself with the right people. It’s so easy to get with people who can persuade you to do things that are not right. You know they’re not right, but you just want...
“It was the summer of 2015. We were all living in Florida when my sister and mother went back to our home country of Trinidad for vacation. My dad also got sent there to work, so...
“I was born in Monterrey, Mexico, and came here a long time ago. I worked construction for many years. All of my life, I worked. I would get up, go to work, come back to my...
“We met in high school and dated for about two years before we got married. We’ve been together now for 57 years.” What’s your secret to such a long marriage? “Well, we had five children. That...
“I was doing hole watch and fire watch over in Beaumont for about six months. I learned what it’s like to work out in the hot sun 10 to 12 hours a day, seven days a...
“Through the years we’ve had all sorts of hobbies. We start out with something and then we go nuts. We had exotic birds for a while. Then we raised Dobermans. When my husband was doing over-the-road...
“Our biggest challenge is financial, definitely. We don’t owe a lot of money. But we’re just living off Social Security, which is hard. We don’t have food stamps, disability or anything like that. So we’re just...
“I honestly didn’t realize it was Earth Day until our 5-year-old told us. I asked my husband to look it up to make sure, and she was right. She kept pushing us because she really wanted...
“This isn’t my first time trying to complete the RN program. I dropped out three times. It was a bunch of different things. Dealing with my kids, jobs, babysitters, and the back and forth with school,...