She uses bullying experience to help her brother
“Where we lived in New York, it wasn’t the best environment. We had trouble finding a good place where my mother felt safe, so we moved around a lot. My mom would always try to protect...
“Where we lived in New York, it wasn’t the best environment. We had trouble finding a good place where my mother felt safe, so we moved around a lot. My mom would always try to protect...
“I think a lot about starting my own business. I have a lot of different ideas that I’d like to try. There’s this saying that in business, you have to fail seven times before you can...
“I was always a book person. The library was my summer job when I was in high school. By the time I was a junior in college I started thinking, what am I going to do...
“About two years ago I was in a bad motorcycle wreck. I had just bought a new Harley. I hadn’t even put 300 miles on it. I was going around a curve when this guy came...
“My husband was in the Army for 13 years. During that time he was in Afghanistan for 12 months doing field artillery, providing cover for special forces on the border of Pakistan. He also was in...
Basketball, anyone? For longtime friends Jose Serrano and Mario Rodriguez, shooting hoops is part of a stay-healthy routine that other 50- to 60-year-olds may want to follow. “We play basketball and sometimes soccer. And walking. Walking...
“I was perfectly happy just being a registered nurse and doing my thing. I always wanted to be a nurse practitioner, but never thought I’d go back to school to achieve that. “My motivations are different...
“I had an aunt who was sick and required medical attention. She had a trach tube, so I went ahead and took the class. I didn’t really have a choice because we didn’t want to put...
“I substitute teach. The school district has a portal where you can log in and pick your jobs. Every morning the schools post whatever teachers they have out. You kind of never know what you’re going...
“I was about 9 years old the first time I got to see my father. Well, maybe before that, but I can’t remember because I was too young. I lived with my mom and my siblings...