Teacher follows in his family’s footsteps
“When I was in third grade and we ran out of classrooms, we had to have class on the stage behind the curtain. I thought that was so cool. I guess I knew right then that...
“When I was in third grade and we ran out of classrooms, we had to have class on the stage behind the curtain. I thought that was so cool. I guess I knew right then that...
“He loved old people and kids. He especially liked to help older people. The first day we moved in (to our house), he walked across the street to ask a 90-something-year-old man if he could mow...
“When you get into heavy drugs like that, people are not going to give you money to go buy more drugs. So he would steal. That’s how he died. He and a friend broke into somebody’s...
“He loved his kids. I mean, he cried over them all of the time. He had six in all, including twin girls who were born shortly before he died. “It was the most devastating for his...
“Coming from Brownsville and moving up here, we would run into accidents all the time and just feel helpless not being able to do anything. So I was like, I’ve got to learn some of that....
“I got the card in the mail that said it was time for my checkup. I ignored it. I got another card. I ignored it, too. Then I had to go in for something else and...
“I’ve been out here about 45 minutes, practicing with this casting net so I can catch my own bait fish. There’s an art to it, I guess. I’m getting a little better, but I think I’m...
“I like football, baseball, soccer. I like riding my bike. I like playing outside. And video games. But my favorite thing to do is play football.” According to his father, he scored 22 offensive touchdowns and...
“I lived in my roller skates growing up. I wore them up and down the stairs, every place. “I’ve been wanting to roller-skate again so bad. So when we were at Traders Village recently and I...
“I’ve been looking for work, but no one seems to like me. I tried to get on at the new Kroger. I did the application and a little phone interview, then they told me to come...