Plumeria latest love for hobby enthusiast
“Through the years we’ve had all sorts of hobbies. We start out with something and then we go nuts. We had exotic birds for a while. Then we raised Dobermans. When my husband was doing over-the-road...
“Through the years we’ve had all sorts of hobbies. We start out with something and then we go nuts. We had exotic birds for a while. Then we raised Dobermans. When my husband was doing over-the-road...
“Our biggest challenge is financial, definitely. We don’t owe a lot of money. But we’re just living off Social Security, which is hard. We don’t have food stamps, disability or anything like that. So we’re just...
“I honestly didn’t realize it was Earth Day until our 5-year-old told us. I asked my husband to look it up to make sure, and she was right. She kept pushing us because she really wanted...
“This isn’t my first time trying to complete the RN program. I dropped out three times. It was a bunch of different things. Dealing with my kids, jobs, babysitters, and the back and forth with school,...
“When I was sworn in, the chief of police at the time said, ‘This badge is going to get you a lot of women. But it only takes one woman to get the badge.’ And sure...
“My husband and I love to go antiquing. It’s a hobby, so we go as often as we can. We call it the illness. It runs in the family. I think it’s a nostalgia thing. You...
“We have seven kids, ages 28 to 3. He had three from a previous marriage, and we have four together. The best part about having a big family is that you have plenty of friends. “Once...
“When I was 12 years old my daddy said to me and my two brothers, ‘Boys, you may never go to college. You may never even get out of high school. But by the time you...
“We met on the internet. I was on AOL Instant Messenger, and he popped in one day. He said, ‘What’s up with your last name?’ At that time, my screen name was Jenny Willis. And he...
“I had twin older brothers. They were mirror twins. One was right-handed and the other was left-handed. Throughout their lives, whatever happened to one always seemed to happen to the other. Every time Victor would break...