Life experiences help make her a better counselor
“I don’t think you can be a counselor and not draw on your own life experiences. At least, I couldn’t. “I grew up in a dysfunctional home in a military family. I’ve had a daughter who...
“I don’t think you can be a counselor and not draw on your own life experiences. At least, I couldn’t. “I grew up in a dysfunctional home in a military family. I’ve had a daughter who...
“My dad was a chemist, and I was always fascinated with that sort of thing. I did all kinds of experiments as a kid. I invented things. “When I was a junior in college I came...
“I have run 25 marathons and 76 ultra-marathons. As of Jan. 1, including all my races and training, I have run 30,875 miles. But it’s not the long distance that kills you. It’s the short distance....
“I’ve been involved in Relay for Life since 1999. I showed up at the Lee College relay that year and ran a marathon just for fun. After that, I got hooked and started raising money. Every...
“Now it appears to be politically incorrect to be proud of one’s heritage. I’ve never known this country to be so divisive that now, in the eyes of certain people, it is not OK to take...
“Back when the Vietnam War was going on, my parents wanted to take out a second mortgage on their house to send me to college. But I couldn’t let them do that. If I didn’t make...
“A friend of mine called and wanted me to go shopping with her. I was gone most of the day, while my husband was at home babysitting the grandkids. About 1:30 when they got picked up,...
“When I retired in 2001, I had taught school for 33 years. My very first year was the start of integration. They moved white teachers into Carver Elementary School, which had all black students at the...
“I’m a person who likes to play a lot. I enjoy doing a lot of different things. Until about three years ago I trained for marathons. I’ve done 40 of them. At one time, I was...
“I don’t usually start writing the beginning of a poem. I start in the middle and build around it. No matter how you approach it, you want every line to be impactful. You want to say...