Category: Short Stories

Alberta at a park bench smiling 0

Drugs, physical abuse ruin her marriage

“At first, our marriage was beautiful. It was blossoming. What I didn’t know was that he was a functioning addict. “He had a job. He paid the bills. He bought the groceries. But at the end...

Paula Groberg with students 0

Former teacher gets that déjà vu feeling

“As a former teacher, when the back-to-school ads start and I see those supplies in the stores, I get that déjà vu feeling. And when it’s time for the school districts’ convocations, I find myself wishing...

Valerie Pedroza with her son, Mateo 0

Missionary work eye-opening for children

“Our church does missionary work in Brazil. My first trip was in 2006. This will be the fifth time I’ve gone. “The communities we help live in grass huts along a river. They have no electricity....