He wants to be an actor on the ‘big screen’
“My mom always wanted to be on The Price Is Right, so I went out to California with her last year. They ended up picking me as one of the contestants. “I had to bid on...
“My mom always wanted to be on The Price Is Right, so I went out to California with her last year. They ended up picking me as one of the contestants. “I had to bid on...
“I’m the kind of person who likes to dabble in a little bit of everything. I’ve always been interested in science and technology. Then I got into literature. And I have this creative side where I...
“I started running when I was 45 years old. It made a big difference in my health. I used to get upper respiratory infections about twice a year, go to the doctor and maybe miss work....
“She was 2 years old, and she wasn’t talking. When she needed something, her brothers would tell me what she wanted. I think she was just being lazy because they talked for her. “When I took...
“I never in a million years envisioned myself being in this role as justice of the peace. I spent 30 years working in the petrochemical industry. Circumstances changed there, so I made the hard decision to...
Doing for others comes naturally to these sisters. They credit their grandmother and mother, who helped the elderly and shared food from their garden with neighbors. (Center) “When I was young, I always wanted to take...
“We became friends this past school year. We taught math and science together, and our kids are about the same age. We have so much in common.” “We have matching personalities. Actually, not really.” “We’re like...
“Every day that I’m above ground, I thank the Lord. It could have been a lot different. I am a cancer survivor. This year makes 13 years cancer free. “I’m very grateful to have been granted...
“I’m here with my son and grandson. We’re showing him how to catch crabs.” Do you have other children? “I have two others. One is deceased. I lost him in 2000 when he was 21. He...
“When I started working at the plant, it seemed like guys were getting divorced left and right. And I’m thinking to myself, that isn’t going to be me. I’m not going to go through that. Sure...