Police save elderly couple during home invasion
“It was a Sunday night when I got this home invasion in progress call. Most calls like that wind up being an ex-husband breaking into a house or something. But when I show up, officer (Willie)...
“It was a Sunday night when I got this home invasion in progress call. Most calls like that wind up being an ex-husband breaking into a house or something. But when I show up, officer (Willie)...
The happy-go-lucky life of a child was apparent when I approached this young mom and her three children on the first real sunny day following a week of rain. One of the girls kept singing, “You...
“I started one of the first temp services in Texas for people with disabilities, called Peak Performers. It was a natural area for me because I had worked in rehab most of my career and I...
“The problem is that corporations have messed with the way food is grown. They’re genetically modifying it. For example, they spray a lot of things with glyphosate, which was the active ingredient in Agent Orange. They...
“When food is grown with the methods they use now, they’re spraying all these chemicals and killing our bees. If all the bees die, our food supply dies. “This tattoo gives me the opportunity to talk...
“When you come from a Hispanic family like ours, you get married and your place is at home. If your man goes out on you, oh well, sit and bear it. “That’s what my mom said,...
“He saw me in high school, but he didn’t go up to talk to me. A friend introduced us at a dance. The rest is history.” “We’ve had some hard times through the years, just like...
“Years ago, I was at the video store renting some movies when this guy approached me. He said, ‘Hey, didn’t you use to be an officer at Sterling High School? I don’t know if you remember...
“A friend of mine, he graduated high school a year before I did. He came up to school one day and said, ‘They’re fixin’ to draft me. Let’s go and join something.’ “There were four of...
“We’re Jehovah’s Witnesses. We came here to preach to people. We try to help them see the truth. “We’re originally from Mexico. We look for other people who speak Spanish and visit with them. This is...