Milkman to the original NASA astronauts
“It was hard to find work after the war. I didn’t have a college education. I went to watch repair school and did some watch repair work for a while. Later, I got a job as...
“It was hard to find work after the war. I didn’t have a college education. I went to watch repair school and did some watch repair work for a while. Later, I got a job as...
“I’m a nurse anesthetist and my husband is a physician. We worked together for 20 years here. Then for the past 10 years I’ve worked in Houston, while he’s been in El Paso and now McAllen....
“You’re looking at somebody who’s had cancer. Breast cancer. When the doctor first told me, I came unglued. That just hit me like nothing I’ve ever experienced. “He told me, ‘We may have to cut your...
“When I was 15 or 16, I was drafted into the South Vietnamese Army. I fought in the Vietnam War. “Today, if you are a Vietnam veteran from America, I’ll give you a big hug. I...
“I was very young when I was in the Vietnam War. I didn’t think about it a lot at the time because I just did what I was told to do. But the trauma, actually, I...
“When I was in third grade and we ran out of classrooms, we had to have class on the stage behind the curtain. I thought that was so cool. I guess I knew right then that...
“He loved old people and kids. He especially liked to help older people. The first day we moved in (to our house), he walked across the street to ask a 90-something-year-old man if he could mow...
“When you get into heavy drugs like that, people are not going to give you money to go buy more drugs. So he would steal. That’s how he died. He and a friend broke into somebody’s...
“He loved his kids. I mean, he cried over them all of the time. He had six in all, including twin girls who were born shortly before he died. “It was the most devastating for his...
“Coming from Brownsville and moving up here, we would run into accidents all the time and just feel helpless not being able to do anything. So I was like, I’ve got to learn some of that....