Category: Short Stories

Laura Rupp arranging items in her pantry 0

She has lived an obsessive-compulsive life

“I’m obsessive-compulsive. Everything has to be just so. It’s weird. I go crazy when the house is not perfectly cleaned and in place. Even with the refrigerator. I’ll put something in there and then think, I...

Vanessa Nelson at Lee College 0

Nurse has a heart for special needs children

“I’ve been a licensed practical nurse (LVN in Texas) for 13 years. Since 2008 I’ve been doing pediatric nursing, mostly private duty working with critically ill kids. While doing that, I fell in love with one...

Tattoos on a hand 0

He’s no fan of the business side of art

“I come from a graffiti background, but I don’t do much of that anymore. I started my own graphics company. I design logos, album and mix tape covers, custom decals, stickers and other stuff. I enjoy...