Busboy, pizza jobs as youth paying off now
“Before I left Chicago, I was a union carpenter. It slowed down a lot because of the Freddie Mac/Fannie May deal. There were no houses getting built because of all the bad loans. I was laid...
“Before I left Chicago, I was a union carpenter. It slowed down a lot because of the Freddie Mac/Fannie May deal. There were no houses getting built because of all the bad loans. I was laid...
“It can be pretty chaotic. Like Sunday, my first call was a homicide. There are people on the phone screaming and you’re hearing them talk to EMS and saying, ‘He just stopped breathing. He’s dead.’ Listening...
“The hardest part is trying to find out where the caller is located. People don’t think about it when they call 911. They start to ramble because they’re so scared. “The first thing out of my...
“I used to weigh about 380 pounds. It was slightly in the genes, I guess, but it was more just living a sedentary life, being lazy and not keeping up with myself. “I grew up playing...
“I quit school when I was 16. I didn’t loaf or get into any trouble. I joined the Merchant Marines, and I would catch every ship I could and go just as far as I could...
“When I left the Merchant Marines, I went to work at the U.S. Steel plant and stayed there until they shut it down in 1986. Then I went into business for myself as an AC and...
“In December 2008, I lost some of my eyesight because of a detached retina. Then in January, after I had worked 30 years with a company, they eliminated my position as a janitor. I ended up...
“I never imagined I’d be in this kind of situation. I thought I’d work long enough to finally retire from my job as a janitor, but then they did away with it. So, here I am....
“Ever since I was a little kid, I’ve always had a thing for cars. As I grew older, I realized just how amazing cars really are. “I knew I wanted a Camaro after my uncle got...
“I work inside ExxonMobil as a contractor. I deliver port-a-cans and tanks, and move septic waste. I can literally say that I have a shitty job.” How often do you use that line? “Oh, all the...