He wants to be treated like ‘normal human being’
“I was living at an RV park. Me and my friend were staying there. He lit a cigarette and threw it at the propane tank. It had a hose leak, and it blew up. The whole...
“I was living at an RV park. Me and my friend were staying there. He lit a cigarette and threw it at the propane tank. It had a hose leak, and it blew up. The whole...
“I have a psychiatric disorder. It started getting pretty bad after my grandpa passed on. I began going in and out of psych units. I’ve had some issues, but as long as I continue to take...
“I was riding in an ATV, a Ranger six-seater, and it rolled. My foot got caught underneath the tail bed. I just remember waking up and seeing people trying to lift the Ranger off of us....
“When I was in the hospital, they found out that I liked music and that I could play the piano. So they had this little keyboard they would bring up to my room and let me...
“We’re getting married on June 24. My family lives here and she’s from Vancouver, Canada. We met at college. She plays the piano really well. I tried out for a singing group and I made it,...
“I started to study nursing in college, but I quickly realized that I didn’t like the blood.” What are you studying instead? “Accounting. It was a logical choice because my mom owns her own tax business....
“There is an interesting story about this dog. I had never had this experience in my life, but one time the other me came out of me. Let’s call him my spirit, my soul. It went...
“He is diabetic and has to get shots every day. If I don’t do it, his legs start to get very shaky. He also has new eyes. He had surgery because of cataracts. But he is...
Dad: “They’re full of energy. Very smart and athletic. Good kids.” Where do they get their smarts? “Not from me. It’s got to be from her side of the family. They’re both very mechanically inclined. You...
“I’m a single dad. Their mom is in South America. So I’m raising him and his sister by myself.” How did that transpire? “I was working overseas in Africa for Transocean, one of the largest offshore...