Category: Short Stories

Sylvia Casco walks at the park 0

Learning to speak Spanish helps her, others

“I’ve always enjoyed helping people. When our church has food drives I help with the paperwork, like assisting people who can’t read or write, or translating for people who can’t speak English.” Are you bilingual? “I...

Michel Roy at the park 0

Respect important part of his marriage

“My wife and I have been married for 37 years. We have five kids and 14 grandkids.” How did you meet? “At work. At first, she didn’t really believe I was her supervisor. I was in...

Brian Diaz and David Rodriguez at Town Square 0

These cousins are more like brothers

“They’re cousins, but they’re also best friends. They’ve been like brothers ever since they were little.” “We recently did a party together to celebrate their 15th birthdays. We had a slide show with photos of them,...

Shellie Hinson and Honesty Stevens at the skate park 0

Stepsisters getting used to their new normal

“We’ve been stepsisters for about six years. My dad married her mom. Although, they just recently got divorced.” “It’s been kind of tough not having everyone in the same house like it used to be. But...

Monica Yancey at the park 0

Are you on smartphone overload yet?

“I’ve been doing a lot of reading about smartphones, related to their impact on society. I’m considering doing actual research on it.” Are you a heavy smartphone user? “Not as much as I used to be....

Paige holds her dog at the park 0

She helps volleyball players make college transition

“Volleyball has always been my passion. I played at Lee College, then Houston Baptist University, and now I’m back at Lee as the assistant coach.” What’s your biggest coaching challenge? “Probably dealing with freshman and sophomore...