Category: Short Stories

Teddy Yebra at the park 0

She likes military’s structure, guidance

“I’m in ROTC in high school and I plan to join the military right after I graduate. I’ve already started talking with the recruiter and everything. I just have to wait until I’m 18 to sign...

Eric Bush rides bikes with his grandsons 0

These grandchildren help keep him young

“These are my grandbabies. We decided we’re in a little bicycle club. They call it EEL. It’s not spelled quite right, but it’s from the first letters of our names: Eric, Layne and Liam. “I started...

Cesar and Ivan Lagunas with their dogs at the park 0

Brothers, dogs like to hang out together

When I approached these guys and their dogs, I quickly realized that I needed to keep my distance. As I stepped closer to ask their names, the pit bull’s loud growl warned that I was invading...