Tagged: books


Reading connects incarcerated moms with kids

“The focus of Women’s Storybook Project of Texas is to maintain the relationship between incarcerated mothers and their children, and to develop a love of reading in those kids. “The project is in 10 women’s prisons...


‘Down the Rabbit Hole’

“One of the deep secrets of life is that all that is really worth doing is what we do for others.” — Lewis Carroll “For me, it all began with the thought of a rabbit: Alice’s...


Young feminist chases her dreams

“I grew up in a very traditional Mexican household, where the father was the one who provided and the mother stayed home. That continued until I was 11 or 12, when my mother started working to...


‘Books are more precious than gold’

“I have this innate love of reading, learning and challenging authority. I read all kinds of books about science, history, religion. A lot of them are simply reference books. I have several sets of encyclopedias and...

Kathleen Merritt standing with her daughter, Lynsey 0

Kathleen Merritt: chooses joy despite tragedies

NameKathleen Merritt Age55 How long have you lived in Baytown?37 years Most interesting fact about youI have survived a lot of trials, tribulations and tragedies. BackgroundI was raised in Philadelphia. I moved here in 1982 with...