Tagged: mom

Kassandra Aceves and Weaver Frederick walking 0

Young mom seeks advice from her own mother

“I’m busy raising my son, Michael. He’s a month old. It’s not easy, raising a son. I’m not married. I live with my parents, and they’re helping me until I get settled.” What’s your biggest challenge?...

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Surprise! She has another one on the way

“My happiest moment? Definitely when I had my son. He was a surprise. And now I’m pregnant again, which is another surprise. But it’s a good surprise. We weren’t planning it or anything. It was just...

Mom and daughter at playground 0

Stay-at-home mom helps create family unit

“I had a very rough childhood. My parents didn’t give two hoots about me, so I kind of raised myself. And my husband’s family was military; he was pretty much raised by the military because his...