Tagged: school

Close up photo of Perla Aguillon at the park 0

She had to learn English the hard way

“I’m originally from Querétaro, Mexico. When my family moved out here in 1989, I was around 4 years old. At the time, I was speaking just Spanish at home. But I was trying to learn the...

Amber Cox holds her daughter 0

Substitute teacher likes having choices

“I substitute teach. The school district has a portal where you can log in and pick your jobs. Every morning the schools post whatever teachers they have out. You kind of never know what you’re going...

Joan Ickes and Sandra Tilton at the library 0

They’re working to fill those education gaps

“Our school systems are very good at helping and knowing how to educate the middle class and upper middle class. But we struggle with those coming from lower socioeconomic levels. “They often start school with major...