Back on roller skates nearly 40 years later

Sharon Knoll on roller-skates walking a dog

Sharon Knoll moved from Illinois to Texas about 25 years ago.

“I lived in my roller skates growing up. I wore them up and down the stairs, every place.

“I’ve been wanting to roller-skate again so bad. So when we were at Traders Village recently and I saw these for only $15, I knew I had to get them. This is their first run. The last time I was on roller skates was probably when I was 17, and I’m going to be 56 this year. That’s a long time.

“I want to get back on a dirt bike again, too. Me and my little brothers used to do that kind of thing a lot when we were young. We were pretty adventurous. We were best buds. Both my brothers are gone now, so it’s hard to find anybody to do stuff like that with anymore. One was in a car wreck and the other one, not quite sure. He was found hanging. The three of us were real close. I miss them a lot.”

— Sharon Knoll


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