She thinks she married ‘a male version of me’

Dee and Kelly at dog park

Dee and Kelly, who met online, have been married four years.

“We both had given up on the idea that we would ever find someone. We both told ourselves, ‘I guess I’m meant to be single for the rest of my life.’ And we were kind of OK with that. But then we met through an online dating service. We wrote back and forth online every day for a month, and then we started talking on the phone. Eventually, we got married.”

What makes you compatible?
“My mom knows me very well. And the more she got to know him, she said that he’s just a male version of me. She finds that we are so much alike. I think having the same values, the same ideas about life is key. The more you have things in common with someone, the more likely it’s going to work out.”

— Dee

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