College transition taking longer than expected

Alex Adley at the dog park

Alex Adley hopes to become a high school history teacher.

“I’ve been going to community college long enough to get a Ph.D. I’m sure my parents are really proud. I spent a long time trying to figure out what I wanted to do and kind of messed around at college. Then I found out what I really wanted to do and I’m still having a difficult time. I guess it’s been hard for me to take school seriously.”

Did you struggle in high school?
“I was one of those people who didn’t have to study but still made OK grades. I never learned how to really study and put in the work. Then you find out in college that you can’t not study and not do the homework and still pass. I had a hard time transitioning, and I just never really got it. But I’m still working on it.”

What will it take?
“I don’t know. Time. And growing up, I guess.”

— Alex Adley

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