Through hardship, she found a healthy way to live

Masyn Ainsworth at the dog park

Masyn Ainsworth is a personal trainer and Crossfit competitor, working toward a degree in physical therapy.

“I’ve been on different sides of the spectrum of unhealthy. I was overweight and I’ve been super underweight.

“It was teenage girl problems. A bad breakup. I got overweight when I was with him because I got comfortable. I gained every bit of 50-60 pounds and it was all fat. A year later, we broke up and I just had a meltdown. I got down to 110-112 pounds, and my average weight is about 130. So my bones were sticking out.

“It was really bad until one day my brother said, ‘I’m not going to let you kill yourself.’ Then I found the gym again. I gained a little more weight, but the majority of it was muscle.

“That’s when I became involved with Crossfit. Now I weigh 155, and I’d say 85 percent of it is muscle. Women have a hard time with the scale, but I try to tell them that it’s what makes up the weight that counts.”

How has your transformation affected you mentally?
“Being healthy is probably the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me. I’m happy all the time now. It really changes your outlook. You feel like you’re going to live a long, healthy, happy life. You no longer feel insecure and unconfident. It’s a great feeling.”

— Masyn Ainsworth

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