Tagged: health


Earring project helps keep couple’s story alive

“Healing comes from letting there be room for all of ‘this’ to happen: room for grief, for relief, for misery, for joy.” — Pema Chodron “Grief doesn’t just bring tears. It enters your heart, your bones,...


Teen focuses on fundraising for heart health

“When Jordan was in elementary school, she raised over $1,000 for the American Heart Association. It was through the Jump Rope for Heart activity. She was the top fundraiser in her school. Based on that, and...


The day ‘my life changed forever’

This story contains excerpts from “So I Won’t Forget,” by Cindy Lipps, D.V.M. She began her veterinary practice at Archer Road Animal Hospital in Baytown in 1984. “My youngest daughter married in October 2016. In 2017,...


Young couple tackle new business

Jamari: “We didn’t experience the 2020 that most everyone else did. It was a very exciting year for us. COVID was going strong, but that didn’t stop us from getting married and opening up this business....