Online meet-up leads to long-term relationship

Xander Roberts is a native of Birmingham, England.
“We met online in 2009 after she randomly added me on Facebook. Although it’s kind of shameful to admit, it was essentially an aesthetic thing. She was hot. We’re all human, you know.
“We physically met in 2012 for the first time. It was a little daunting. You have doubts, wondering whether that person is going to be a 40-year-old trucker or something. Then once you find out they are the same person, you wonder whether the relationship will translate the way it did through a keyboard. Fortunately, for us, it worked.
“I think there are a lot of negative connotations around online dating and online relationships. The way I see it, why should you settle for somebody within the 10-mile radius of where you live when there are 7 billion people on the planet? The Internet is a good tool to cast that net a little bit further. I believe the longer we think that way, the more of a social norm it can become.”
— Xander Roberts