Aquatic therapy makes big difference in his life

Robert Carrizales on his motorcycle

Robert Carrizales, 72, participates in aquatic classes three days a week at Bay Area Rehabilitation Center.

“I have a lot of arthritis. I’ve had two broken ankles and a knee that’s been worked on. My back’s been worked on and my neck’s been worked on, too. Then last June while I was moving a refrigerator, I tore up the rotator cuff in my shoulder and I had surgery.

“I’m not one to sit around and feel sorry for myself, so I do a lot of exercises. If it wasn’t for the aquatics program, I probably couldn’t do them at all. Being in the water really helps. Out of the pool, all of those jumping jacks, squats and stuff would be too stressful on my body. I’d probably hurt myself.

“It’s made a big difference in my life, and I enjoy it. You get a good workout, and it’s a great way to socialize with other people. I also like to walk, play tennis and racquetball, and ride my motorcycle. It helps me do all of that.

“I also like to keep up with my 8-year-old grandson. He can be a handful, so I’ve got to stay in shape for that.”

— Robert Carrizales

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