Her motto: ‘Let food be thy medicine’

Kim Buscaglia in her driveway

Kim Buscaglia gets the majority of her organic produce from a farmers market in Clear Lake.

“The problem is that corporations have messed with the way food is grown. They’re genetically modifying it. For example, they spray a lot of things with glyphosate, which was the active ingredient in Agent Orange. They say it’s safe, but it’s not safe. It’s making people sick. There are people with all kinds of digestive issues, to name the least of the problems that it creates.

“The food that we get from the grocery store, most of it is dead. It doesn’t have enzymes in it like it should. It just isn’t what it used to be because they changed farming so much, claiming that we needed it to feed the world. But those were all lies.

“When I got sick in 2013 with celiac disease, I started researching everything and it really opened my eyes. Now I eat mostly organic and very little processed food. I feel a ton better. I have more energy than I have in years.

“Socrates said, ‘Let food be thy medicine.’ I’m passionate about our food and what it’s done for my life. If you eat right, it’s amazing.”

— Kim Buscaglia


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