Helping others comes naturally to these folks

Gwen Taylor (left) helps her sister, Ethelene Frank, and her husband, Lawrence, at a garage sale.
Doing for others comes naturally to these sisters. They credit their grandmother and mother, who helped the elderly and shared food from their garden with neighbors.
(Center) “When I was young, I always wanted to take care of people. I just loved it. I would go around with my grandmother when she visited older people. That’s kind of how I got the feel for it. I became a nurse and worked for years at Gulf Coast Hospital, which turned into Bay Coast. After that I did 13 years of school nursing for Crosby ISD before retiring.”
(Left) “I’m a retired purchasing agent for University of Texas Medical Branch. Right now I’m doing foster care for a 5-year-old boy who came out of an abusive situation. I’ve learned that you need a lot of patience because these kids can have so many different problems. If they’ve been abused, sometimes they’re hostile and will call you names. So you just have to not take it personal and realize it’s more what they’ve been through. What you’re trying to do is mold them into a new perspective and let them know that things can be different. And that they are loved. That’s something many of them have never experienced.”
— Ethelene Frank and Gwen Taylor