‘Failure not an option’ for first female EMS director

Christy Graves stands near ambulance

Christy Graves is director of operations for Harris County ESD 5. She also is a Harris County ESD 4 board commissioner.

“After I earned my associate’s degree in health education, I started an internship at Memorial Hermann. That led to a job in the Trauma Center working under Dr. Red Duke.

“There were other firsts and other EMS positions, but in 2004 I became the first female to hold the position of director of operations for a Harris County Emergency Services District.

“I went through a lot as a kid and it most certainly impacted me. But later in life, I realized that the things I endured made me the right person to do the job that I do. It’s a job that I love and am very passionate about.

“There are times I think I’m going to break. It can be quite draining. Then I say to myself, ‘You are a winner. You can do this. Failure is not an option.’

“So I get up every day before dawn to make sure every life in this district has the best chance for the best outcome in every situation that arises. I do this not because I am paid to do it, but because I truly care.”

— Christy Graves


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