Healthy lifestyle important to local ‘farmer’

Kurt Grevenberg outside library

Kurt Grevenberg specializes in growing gourmet mushrooms.

“I like to call myself a horticulturist. But I guess that’s just a glorified way of saying farmer or gardener. I specialize in gourmet mushrooms.

“I’ve converted a large room in my father’s house into a grow room. Hopefully, when I have a little more money, I’ll be able to build a legitimate one outside. I also grow vegetables and stuff on a bit of land we have.

“I try to cater to the exotic to go along with the mushrooms. For example, last year I grew rattlesnake beans that look similar to rattlesnake skin. I also have grown moon and stars watermelon. If you use your imagination, it’s kind of like looking at a moonlit sky.

“I have this thing about going to the grocery store and seeing all the chemicals and stuff they put into our food. So maybe by doing my part to inject a healthier lifestyle into the community with the things that I grow, that will start to rub off. I find that people here are really looking to live a little bit healthier. I hope I can help with that.”

— Kurt Grevenberg


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