Whirlwind romance, move to Japan ‘super cool’

Sheryl and Keith Dick recently celebrated their 43rd wedding anniversary. While living in Japan, their first daughter was born.
“I met her on a Friday. We were engaged the following Friday. Married a month later. Two weeks after that, we were living in Tokyo because I already had a job lined up there to teach English to Japanese businessmen.
“When I interviewed for that job in October, they wanted to send me right away. I said, ‘No, I don’t think I should go over there single. I need to be married.’ They asked if I had somebody in mind. I had a girlfriend, but I knew we weren’t going to get married. So I said, ‘No, I don’t.’ Then they asked, ‘Well, when can you be married?’ So I just picked a date out of the clear blue sky. I told them Feb. 1. I was close. I met my wife during Christmas break. We were married on Feb. 6.”
What did she think about all of that?
“She was super cool about the whole thing. When we first met I asked her, ‘What would you think if you met some guy and he said that we’re going to get married and go live in Japan?’ And she said, ‘I think it would be exciting.’ That was the right answer because I had asked other girls, and they all said, ‘Are you crazy?’”
— Keith Dick