‘Wow, this is what it’s like to live, not just survive’

Megan Martin with her daughter, Angel, at their home.

“Our doctor very lovingly told us, ‘You’re on the verge of a major health crisis. If you don’t change something, you’re headed for disaster.’ I’m so thankful that we found someone who was so blunt.

“She gave us a list of some stuff that we could eat. She said that when we go to the store and look at the ingredients on packages, ‘If you can’t pronounce it, don’t eat it. If the ingredients list is long, don’t have it. Keep to real foods.’ Once I got into the routine of it, I knew what we could eat and what we couldn’t. It became easier. We did meal preps. I was cooking lunch, dinner, just everything all at once. That way we can grab and go if we want to eat. If I’m not hungry, I don’t eat. I just listen to my body. So far, we’ve each lost over 70 pounds.

“I think her mental state was directly impacted by food that we ate. Like they say, you are what you eat. So if you’re eating junk, you’re going to feel like junk. There are so many poisons in the food people eat these days. If you’re eating those things, you’re going to start feeling like that. I know I did. I would wake up in the morning feeling exhausted.

“I can definitely feel a difference now. It’s like, wow, this is what it’s like to live, not just survive. In high school, she would walk down the halls with her head down and not even look people in the eye. Today, she’s such a different person. It’s awesome to see the positive changes in her.

“Because I had her when I was so young, we’ve basically grown up together. We’ve learned the good and the bad together. Although she had to change her diet, I knew that I needed to also. I knew it would be easier for both of us if we just jumped in and went for it. We’re a team. I think everybody needs somebody to do something like this. It’s much easier than doing it alone.”

— Megan Martin (with daughter, Angel)

Mom and daughter launched a Facebook group called Bloom and Grow (with Perseverance and Purpose). They share information and advice that has helped them along their journey of eating healthier and losing weight.


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