Talking about your mental health is key

“I need people to be OK with talking about their mental health. It’s so stigmatized. People are so terrified of appearing weak. Because it’s a mental thing and not a broken foot, some people feel like they should be able to just power through it. Well, sometimes there is a type of disconnect, something going on, that you can’t just get over it. I need people to be OK with talking about that.

“I’m very open about my mental health. But there are so many people who are suffering in silence. They really do think that they’re the only ones who feel that way. They’re terrified of telling anyone about it. I understand that, but they really do need to get it out.

“To me, your tribe is so important. It’s that whole ‘it takes a village to raise a child’ thing. I exist because of my tribe. I know that when I’m freaking out, I can call on one of like 20 people. And I’m so open about everything I’m going through, I don’t have to be scared that I’m going to say something, because they already know.

“My biggest thing is that I really need people to be OK in discovering that they’re not OK.”

— Sheena Gordon


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