Mental health education needed in schools

“In the same way that physical education is mandated in schools, I would like to see mental health education become a policy in schools as well. I would love for every single person who steps onto a school campus — students and staff alike — to have some sort of training in mindfulness, meditation and breath work.
“As a wellness counselor and a counselor advocate, I’m only one person. I can impact one to one. But if we had legislation that stated students and staff need to have an authentic experience in managing their stress and negative emotions, that would be a brilliant thing.
“I think it’s starting to take off. I see it more and more where counselors in schools are able to attend to the social and emotional aspects of students. I feel really optimistic that the tide in education is turning, where administrators and educators are starting to see the real need for social and emotional wellness programs in our schools.
“One day, I would love to play a part in implementing meditation as a policy for schools across America. I think it will happen. People are waking up.”
— Marisol Mendez