He’s working hard to leave that wheelchair

“It’s been 16 months since I was diagnosed with GBS (Guillain-Barré syndrome). Little by little, I’m regaining everything. I still have nerve pain in my neck, my face and legs. They told me that I will probably always have some nerve pain, even when I’m completely recovered. I don’t have a lot of strength right now. I can’t open a bottle of water with my hands, so I use my mouth. My legs are coming back, but they’re not as strong as they once were.

“When I regain full strength, I’ll be able to get up from this wheelchair on my own. Right now, I need Mom’s support. She helps me out with so many things, from getting dressed to taking a shower. I see progress. Like once a week, as I do therapy here in the apartment, I can tell that something is coming back and I’m getting stronger. I’m just going to keep on working hard because I don’t want to be sitting in this wheelchair another year. I don’t want to have to depend on anyone else. I have never been like that. I’ve worked ever since I was young, and paid my own way. So I’m hoping in six months that I’m back to normal. I just have to keep pushing.

“While my situation has been very hard on me and my family, during this process I’ve seen people who have it much worse. I met a guy in the hospital with no legs and no arms. But he was still there, not giving up. When you see somebody like that, it’s very inspiring. I’m like, if he’s not giving up, why should I?”

— Jaime Aceves


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