‘I’m going to have this huge story to tell’

“If I stop to think about everything that’s happened — being in a difficult marriage, getting a divorce, raising three young girls on my own — it’s a lot. But I think I’ve come a long way, as far as learning more about myself, and growing as a person and a mother. I think I’ve become a more confident person. That’s a huge thing for me.

“I was always pretty introverted and shy. But I feel like I’ve come way out of my shell, especially since the divorce four years ago. I’m much more independent and confident now. I’ve kind of had to be.

“Don’t get me wrong. I still have moments where I struggle with that a little bit, just because of the challenges of daily life. The house may not be perfectly clean all the time and I may lose patience with my girls every now and then. But overall, I guess I’m pretty proud of myself for what I’ve been able to accomplish.

“Although I have no family living close by, I haven’t done this all on my own. There have been so many people through church and other friends who have provided support. I wouldn’t be in the place I am now without them.

“I feel like there’s so much that I’ve learned and still have to learn. And I’m still facing some big challenges. But I have what I call this radical faith that’s helping lead me through it all. In the end, I’m going to have this huge story to tell. I think it will help somebody else who might be going through a rough time in their life. If I can be that person who can help others, then that will really be something I can be proud of.”

— Erynn Anderson


Single mom continues to feed music passion

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